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Terms and Conditions

OzTheatrics (ABN - 816 328 523 89) are the producers of the Junior Theatre Festival Australia and the Junior Theatre Celebration Melbourne and provide performing arts development and education services, including the sale and distribution of participant tickets. They are the promoter or person responsible for holding the relevant event (the “Seller”). In providing these services, OzTheatrics owns and operates, and (the “Site”).


Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before registering for the Junior Theatre Festival Australia, herein referred to as “JTF” or for the Junior Theatre Celebration Melbourne, herein referred to as "JTC". By registering for any OzTheatrics event, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


These Terms and Conditions relate both to the registration for and attendance at our events. These Terms and Conditions apply to both the person registering/group leader and any subsequent participants registered (“you”).




OzTheatrics may vary these Terms and Conditions at any time by updating them. Any variations will only apply to registrations made after these Terms and Conditions have been updated.




Each registration is also subject to any additional terms and conditions of the Seller for the particular event. The additional terms may be disclosed as part of the event information on our website and included in the registration pack. 




  1. Group registration fees and individual participant fees are non-refundable.

  2. OzTheatrics will only refund a registration fee if an event is cancelled, rescheduled or significantly relocated by the Seller (and you cannot or do not wish to attend the rescheduled or relocated event), or to the extent otherwise required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law). You must apply for a refund within a reasonable time. OzTheatrics does not offer refunds or exchanges as a result of a change in your personal circumstances. 

  3. If an event is cancelled, rescheduled or significantly relocated by the Seller, all liability is limited to the amount for which the registration was purchased (including any fees or charges). Proof of purchase may be required for any refund or exchange. Unless required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), OzTheatrics will not be liable for any other losses incurred by you as a result of the cancellation, rescheduling or relocation of an event, including any travel and accommodation expenses.

  4. You should carefully consider the refund and cancellation policies of travel, accommodation and other goods or service providers when making arrangements for attendance at an event. You may also wish to consider taking out a relevant insurance policy to cover for any losses in the event of cancellation, rescheduling or relocation.




  1. The Seller reserves the right to add, withdraw, reschedule or substitute artists and/or vary advertised programs, prices, venues, seating arrangements and audience capacity.




  1. Admission to an event is subject to the Seller’s Terms.  In particular, the following form part of the Seller’s terms unless otherwise specified:

  2. You may be denied entry into, or removed from, an event where the Seller has reasonable grounds to do so, including if you breach these Terms and Conditions or the Seller’s Terms, or you are intoxicated, under the influence of illicit drugs, inappropriately attired or adversely affecting the enjoyment of the event by others.

  3. If you arrive late, you may not be admitted until a suitable break in the event.

  4. You may not be permitted to take into the event, or use, cameras or other photographic or recording equipment (including mobile phones).

  5. You may be required to submit to a search of your person and/or possessions before entering the event.




  1. Entry into an OzTheatrics event is only granted to individuals who are officially registered with a registered group for that specific event. Registered participants will be refused entry to an event if they are not wearing a valid official event wristband issued at time of sign in. If a wristband is of a questionable state, including if it has been damaged, tampered with or defaced in any way, or has not been purchased from OzTheatrics or other authorised point of sale.

  2. Wristbands are not transferable between members of a registered group.

  3. One wristband is allocated to each registered participant within a group. If registered groups are found to be transferring wristband between registered and non-registered members, the entire group may be disqualified from the event and asked to leave without refund of any registration fee or participation fee.

  4. OzTheatrics events are not public events and therefore, tickets are not sold to the general public. As such, wristbands may not be on-sold to members of the public or to anyone who is not a registered participant of the event.


ON SALE/SCALPING WARNING: The resale of wristbands in certain circumstances is governed by ticket sales legislation and may attract criminal penalties.




  1. You must allow adequate time for registration and sign in when you arrive at event venues at advertised sign in times. At such time you will be required to sign off on and acknowledge that you understand relevant information. Such information may include, but will not be limited too, t-shirt quantity, wristband policy, event program quantity, adjudication rules, release forms. 




  1. While OzTheatrics takes all reasonable care to ensure that registrations are correctly priced and only available for sale when intended, sometimes errors may occur. OzTheatrics may cancel an order made as a result of any such error, although in the case of a pricing error OzTheatrics will endeavour to contact you to give you the option of purchasing the registration at the correct price.




  1. If an error on your behalf results in OzTheatrics reprocessing the registration transaction at your request, OzTheatrics may charge to you the actual costs incurred in reprocessing the registration transaction, including any chargeback or postage fees charged to OzTheatrics by a third party.




  1. Each group must present excerpts from an officially licensed Broadway JR., Broadway KIDS or One-Act Edition Collection show through Music Theatre International Australasia for a small panel of professional theatre artists, adjudicators and other festival attendees. 

  2. The content of the performance must include only material (dialogue and music) that is part of the official Broadway JR., KIDS or One-Act Edition script. 

  3. You must use only backing tracks from the official Broadway JR., KIDS or One-Act Edition showkit. No vocal recordings to be used.

  4. Music should not be edited or cut from the form in which they appear in the script and libretto materials. Scenes may be shorted for the adjudication performance. All music and scenes should remain in the same sequential order that they appear in the script and libretto materials.

  5. Before your specific performance, your group is given approximately twenty minutes to warm up in a separate room. 

  6. Following your performance, adjudicators talk directly to the student performers, highlighting specific impressive areas of the presentation and also offering constructive feedback to encourage further growth. 

  7. Following your adjudication and feedback session, your cast and creative team will be escorted to another room for a moderated discussion about what they experienced and how they interpreted the adjudicator comments. 

  8. No costumes, make-up, set pieces (including chairs or drama blocks) or props are allowed. The only exception is small hand props that are ESSENTIAL to the choreography. For example, mugs for the tavern dance in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast JR. are acceptable. A mask for the Beast, Aladdin's lamp or books for Belle are examples of non-essential props.

  9. The performance space is approximately 8m x 6m. There will be some offstage space on both stage left and right, but there are no curtains and no back cross-over space. This size indication is an approximation only and may vary depending on each pod space.

  10. Groups should wear either their own production t-shirts or drama blacks for their presentation. 

  11. Performers must wear shoes at all times. 

  12. Groups must provide their own accompaniment tracks and device to play them on such as iPhone, iPad, laptop and an operator. OzTheatrics will not be responsible for faulty resources and music sources provided by you or your group.

  13. Microphones are not available. 

  14. Everyone in the Adjudication Room must be registered for the festival with a group. Parents and/or guests of performers will not be admitted to any performance if they are not registered with a group. 

  15. If you have two groups each group must present a different Broadway JR., KIDS or One-Act Edition title and have obtained a full Showkit and license to present each of the titles within the timeframe guidelines. 

  16. If you have two groups each group must register separately. This means two separate registration processes and two non-refundable registration fees. Registering two groups is only permitted by approval of the seller.

  17. Each group will be allocated to different adjudication pods.

  18. Each group must have a minimum of 40 participants for JTC Melbourne and 35 participants for JTF Australia. This number can include students, directors, chaperones and any additional family or friends. With a minimum of 20 students (inclusive) for JTC Melbourne and 25 students (inclusive) for JTF Australia.

  19. Each group must have a minimum chaperone ratio of 1:5 students.

  20. The designated primary contact, who will be present a the event, must complete the online registration.

  21. Each registered group must have a distinct set of participants which do not overlap with any other registered group. This includes any creative team members such as a director, choreographer and music director, chaperones, students, teachers  and cast. 

  22. If two groups are registered from the same organization they will be placed in different adjudication pods and student workshops and will be unable to watch each other perform during adjudication. 




  1. It is strongly advised that all teachers, directors, creative teams, chaperones, parents and students over the age of 18 hold a valid working with children check with the registered group/school/organisation from which they are a registered participant.

  2. Group leaders and chaperones maintain responsibility for their registered students at all times. 

  3.  There must be one chaperone per every four students at all festival events. If you have more chaperones than are necessary, that is wonderful! Consider creating a schedule so each of you can take a break when needed. 




  1. Group leader/directors responsibilities include making sure your students are respectful throughout the event as both participants and audience members. 

  2. While awards are a part of our events, the event is not a competition. Anything you can do to encourage celebration over competition assists in creating a positive atmosphere at OzTheatrics events. 

  3. All participants and chaperones will be supportive of their group’s creative team. Many times while you are chaperoning, your creative team will be attending receptions, workshops and training. For them to get the most out of these opportunities, it’s important they know their students are representing them and their community well. 

  4. All participants should strive to uphold and create a positive experience for all students and other participants. 

  5. Do not directly approach event celebrities and guests if they are enjoying “down time”. 

  6. Bad language and negative comments towards special guests and celebrities will warrant disqualification from the events and the participant or entire group may be asked to leave the event entirely.

  7. Partons intoxicated or under the influence of illegal drugs will be removed from the event.




  1. All registered participants grant OzTheatrics and their affiliate including Music Theatre International Australasia, iTheatrics, Disney Theatrics, Travel Gang and Hal Leonard Australia the right and permission to use and publish the photographs/film/videotapes/electronic representations and/or sound recordings made of registered participants and release OzTheatrics and their affiliates from any and all liability from such use and publication.

  2. All registered participants authorise the reproduction, sale, copyright, exhibit, broadcast, electronic storage and/or distribution of said photographs/film/videotapes/electronic representations and/or sound recordings without limitation at the discretion of OzTheatrics and their affiliates and specifically waive any right to any compensation for any of the foregoing for an unlimited duration.




  1. All group leaders registering a group for an OzTheatrics event should understand that payment deadlines for registration fees and individual participant fees are non-refundable.

  2. All registration fees and individual participant fees are due by a specified date each year and any groups who wish to add additional participants after the cut off deadlines will be charged an addition admin fee of $110 (incl. GST) on top of the normal participation fee.

  3. OzTheatrics reserves the right to not allow groups to add extra participants after the cut off deadline.

  4. Under no circumstances will additional participants be added to a group registration up to 7 days prior to the event. 

  5. Payments are only accepted through the registered groups payment portal on intellibook. Credit Card, Cash or cheque payments will not be accepted.




  1. Registered groups must have a minimum of 40 participants in their group for JTC Melbourne and a minimum of 35 participants in their group for JTF Australia. If a group has less than 40  or 35 participants respectively the minimum registration fee and total participation fee will still be charged to the group. To avoid doubt this will be the group registration fee + 40 x the participant fee for JTC Melbourne and the group registration fee + 35 x the participant fee for JTF Australia.

  2. Participation and registration group fees may change from year to year to allow for inflation.




  1. Groups attending OzTheatrics events are responsible for making their own travel, lodging and food arrangements.




  1. Groups may only choose a show title from the MTI Broadway JR., KIDS or One-Act Edition Collection.

  2. You show must have been licensed by your group either the year before the event, the year of the event or the year following the event. 

  3. Groups wishing to present a show they have not presented or a show they haven’t licensed before will need to contact their MTI Australasia representative to get the performance license and materials. 




The Website Terms of Use and the OzTheatrics Privacy Policy are incorporated into these Terms and Conditions and apply to all sales and registrations through websites (“Sites”). OzTheatrics respect the privacy of the users of our Sites, our customers and other individuals who interact with us. We have created this Privacy Policy to explain how we collect, store, and use and disclose personal information. Access to our Privacy Policy (outlined hereunder) is free. If you would like us to post you a copy of our Privacy Policy, or have any questions about it or its contents, please contact us. See contact details below.


Personal information is defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”) as “Information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable:


  • Whether the information or opinion is true or not; and

  • Whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.”


  1. The Privacy Act was most recently amended December 2022 as part of the Australian Government's urgent reforms in response to data breaches. The new legislation includes thirteen Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). The APPs regulate the way companies collect, use, hold and disclose personal information.

  2. Our practices and internal policies are consistent with our obligations under the Privacy Act and our staff are required to ensure compliance as a condition of their employment. In any third-party contracts, we enter into there is a duty to maintain personal information in accordance with this privacy policy and in a manner consistent with the Privacy Act.

  3. From time to time we will update this Privacy Policy without prior notice. We will notify you by updating the policy published on our Sites.




OzTheatrics collects personal information in a number of ways. The most common ways we collect personal information include:


  1. From application forms (online or hard copy or completed via telephone): when individuals apply to become members or participants of groups or events run by us, or subscribe to marketing or communications lists, for the purpose of providing news, information, offers and other services in accordance with our terms and conditions of the relating to our events.

  2. From competition entries and promotions: where individuals provide personal information at the time of entry via the competition entry form. Personal information is collected for the purpose of running the competition or promotion, determining and contacting the winner(s) and, unless otherwise noted, to use strictly for OzTheatrics direct marketing purposes including to send marketing communications via electronic means in accordance with this policy.

  3. From order forms (online or hard copy or via telephone): when goods and services are ordered by distributors and retailers: for the purpose of fulfilling the order and delivering the goods, and to maintain our relationship with the individual concerned.

  4. From telephone, email, written and in-person enquiries directed to us: for the purposes of responding to enquires.

  5. From business contacts, including contracts and business cards: when you enter into transactions with us or otherwise interact with us in a business context.

  6. From online or hard copy surveys: for the purpose of reviewing and analysing the results and following up on results.

  7. Any messages or comments submitted to us via the Site which may include personal information such as your name, email address and telephone number.

  8. From our primary ticketing agency when individuals have given the ticketing agency permission for the ticketing agency to provide the individuals’ Personal Information to presenters/producers related to the event for the purpose of providing information about future events.

  9. From public registers including social networks such as LinkedIn: if you have made this information available, for the purpose of obtaining your contact details.

  10. From Sites through automatic processes such as cookies. Cookies are used to better understand users and improve the layout and functionality of our Sites by collecting information such as date, time and duration of visits and which pages are most commonly accessed. This tracking is conducted in such a way as to ensure the anonymity of visitors to Sites. While cookies may identify the computer, it should not identify the individual. With most internet browsers, users can erase cookies from their computer’s hard drive, block all cookies or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. However, some parts of this Site may not function fully for users to that disallow cookies.

  11. Our Sites may collect other information that may or may not be personal information. For each visitor to the Site, our server automatically recognises and stores the individual’s “IP address” (eg. the domain name or Internet protocol address), the type of Internet browser being used, the address of the site that “referred” the individual to our website and clickstream data. If this information cannot be used or combined with other data to identify you, it will not be personal information.

  12. We also collect personal information for the purpose of providing you with any goods or services that you request, to update our Sites, to improve the services or goods that we provide and to develop our business.




  1. We aim to only collect personal information that is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which you have disclosed it, or as required by law.

  2. If you ask us to provide you with information, goods or services, sign up to join one of our events or mailing lists, or submit a competition entry form, you will be asked to provide contact information (such as your name, telephone number, postal address and email address). You may also be asked for demographic information (such as your age and gender) and/or profile data (such as entertainment preferences e.g. what type of musicals you prefer).

  3. In some instances, we may need to ask you for additional information necessary to provide you with the goods or services you have requested. When we ask you for further information in addition to that you provide to us initially, we will tell you why we are collecting that information.

  4. We aim to only collect information that is absolutely necessary to provide you with any service you have requested. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, we are happy to still deal with you provided that we don’t need to know who you are. Instances where this may be possible include where you are providing us with anonymous feedback that does not require a response.

  5. We do not collect sensitive personal information.




  1. In some instances, where you have provided consent, or consent is deemed to have been provided or conferred (in compliance with the APPs) we may use your personal information for the purpose of sending you marketing communications including by electronic means, SMS, MMS for an unlimited period. You may opt-out of receiving such messages at any time provided such messages are sent by us. We will give you the opportunity to opt-out within the message that we send to you. You may also opt-out by contacting us (using the details provided below).

  2. In some instances, where you have provided consent, or consent is deemed to have been provided or conferred (in compliance with the APPs) we may also send you electronic updates including via email, SMS, MMS for an unlimited relating to products or services you have ordered, used or enquired about, to keep you informed of changes to the Site, and the products or services offered via the Site or from other production companies. You may opt-out of receiving such messages at any time provided such messages are sent by us. We will give you the opportunity to opt-out within the message that we send to you. You may also opt-out by contacting us (using the details provided below).




  1. Any information we collect about you will be kept securely by us unless an event beyond our control disrupts the measures we have in place. We use up-to-date security, firewall, anti-virus and encryption software to ensure the security of the data we keep and to prevent unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure. We have procedures in place with regards to staff access to personal information and ensure that only those staff who need to know have access to your information.

  2. We will only store personal information for so long as it is required either to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected or to fulfill our obligations at law. We will conduct regular reviews of the personal information we hold and destroy or de-identify information no longer required.




  1. Personal information will not be shared or disclosed to individuals or organisations outside of OzTheatrics, including sponsors of our events, without your prior consent. However, in the circumstances described below, personal information may be disclosed to:

  2. Essential service providers: There may be other companies that we rely on to provide goods or services to you. We may be required to provide your personal information to these companies to ensure that we can deliver goods or services to you.

  3. Law enforcement or government bodies: There are exceptions under the Privacy Act with regards to the provision of personal information to law enforcement or government bodies. When a legitimate request is sent to us by law enforcement or government body we will comply with that request and may provide personal information about you without your consent.

  4. Companies related to us or who take control or part or all of our business: In providing personal information to us you will need to be aware of the possibility that, in future, another company may take control of part or all of our business. In that case, your personal information will be provided to that company.

  5. If we disclose personal information to a third party under outsourcing or contracting arrangements (a service provider), we will take steps to ensure that they have:

  6. Signed a binding agreement (reviewed by our Legal Counsel);

  7. Handle the personal information in a manner consistent with the APPs (regardless of whether they are a small business, or would otherwise be exempt from the Privacy Act);

  8. Only use the personal information in order to provide specific services or to perform the specific functions required; and

  9. Store the personal information securely, and only for as long as is necessary to provide the required services to perform the required functions.




  1. Like many organisations, we use IT infrastructure and service providers who are based or hosted in countries other than Australia including the United States of America. Where we have a relationship with such providers we ensure that we complete privacy due diligence on their own practices and procedures to ensure that they are of high quality. Our contractual arrangements with these providers include obligations of confidence and an obligation to comply with our privacy policy. We complete a re-assessment of overseas providers at least every six months. Australian law may not apply in some of these jurisdictions.




  1. Under the Privacy Act, you have the right to seek access and to update or correct the personal information that we hold about you. If you wish to exercise your right under the Privacy Act to seek access to the personal information held for you, you should make the request in writing (to the address specified below).

  2. Ordinarily, we will not charge for providing access/copies of personal information we hold about you, and will generally respond to access requests of this type within 30 days. If we anticipate there being a fee (for the time we spend locating and compiling the information you have asked for) we will provide you with an estimate before proceeding. If a fee is payable it will be based on an hourly rate plus the cost of photocopying or other out of pocket expenses. For legal and administrative reasons we may also store records containing personal information in archives. Access to these historical records may result in a charge being incurred (an estimate will be provided to you prior). Due to the nature of archive, requests for access to historical records may take longer to process than with current records.

  3. You may correct the personal information we hold about you at any time, you should make the request in writing (to the address specified below). We do not charge a fee to correct personal information held.

  4. On review of your request, if we agree that the personal information held is not accurate, complete and up to date, it will be corrected by the appropriate person. If we do not agree, you will be provided with the reason(s) for the views and the opportunity to make a statement of your view and have it included with the information held.




  1. You have a right to complain to us if you are concerned about your privacy, how we have dealt with your personal information or in relation to the Privacy Act.

  2. If you are concerned about how we have dealt with your personal information you should first contact us (using the details set out below). We will endeavour to send you a written response within 10 business days.

  3. If you are not satisfied with the way we have managed or attempted to resolve your complaint you may complain to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner by calling them on 1300 363 992, via their website at or by mail to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001.




  1. Our Sites contain links to third party websites for individual’s convenience and information. Individuals should be aware that when they access a third-party website, we are not responsible for the privacy practices or policies of that third party and will not be liable for any use or disclosure of your personal information by any third party to whom your information is sent. We suggest that you review the privacy policy of each website you visit.




  1. By using the Sites, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Sites or provide us with your personal information. OzTheatrics reserves the right to modify, alter or otherwise update this policy at any time. Should OzTheatrics modify, alter or otherwise update this policy, it will prominently post notice(s) of the changes on the Sites covered by this Privacy Policy.




The term “including” when used in these Terms and Conditions is not a term of limitation.






Mailing address: 144 Fern Street, Islington, NSW 2296 Australia

ABN: 816 328 523 89

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